Saturday, April 19, 2008

Ragnarok Online (Saturday Run)

Today I spent most of my day on RO which is something I haven't done in quite a while. Not surprisingly, the game is a bit more active with players then it usually is on weekdays. Though, the numbers aren't improving. OD2 is even taking a hit when it comes to "AFKchemists" lol

Anyway, I was up pretty early so I decided to see if I could grab Phreeoni.

no luck on any drops. =/
Spawn time is a bit harder to keep track of, but its not as bad as Gravity originally was going to have it set up.

After I decided to do some job leveling. I want to be able to make my own pots and bombs so I won't have to buy as many. Job level is only 40 which is pretty sad for a biochemist that's almost level 97. Job levels plus the Potion Creation + Potion Research skill is what effects your success rate. None of em are at a decent level.

-Bombs Away-

Job Level! So many more to go. All at a costly price lol.

Here, I went to help a few friends and the results,

Bio3 is fun, but it sure does take its tolls on a bad day.

Mid-day, I actually got a AL3 party with my scholar. Which is something I haven't done in months due to it requiring 3-8 hours of party setup, and then another 2-4 hours of actual leveling with the party.

Party went smoothly without any wipes. Got a couple nice items to that we diced for in the end.

Not too bad I guess. Not great items but I guess its better then nothing at all.

OD2 was a blast today. Most people get pissed when they DB down their but I enjoy it. Especially when they get lucky with bio3 monsters (except for Hwizard lol). Spent probably about 25~30 min clearing it up along with everyone else. Made a nice amount of job, but I lost 1% lol. I'm soo close to 97, but I always keep dying. =/

Thats about it for this post.

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